Amazing Stories | Adia

Amazing Stories


In June we got a call about a newly abandoned baby with a very serious heart defect. The orphanage contacted us, asking if we could help. Sadly, we had no open beds. We had to say no. It hurt. But we hoped that the little one would survive, we hoped that she would hang on and prove the doctors wrong. We wanted for her to have life.

A month later the orphanage contacted us again. The little one was still hanging on, and this time, because of a few recent adoptions, we were able to say “yes.” 

Adia arrived at New Day Foster Home on July 10th. 

She was rushed straight to the hospital for a full evaluation We were sure that she would be scheduled soon for surgery. We hoped that surgery would be possible.

The news was almost too good to be true. Somehow, for some unknown reason, Adia’s heart was not as serious as before believed. In fact, she didn’t need surgery right away at all! We brought Adia straight home to New Day, rejoicing that she wouldn’t have to stay at the hospital… rejoicing that she had hope.

There isn’t really any other explanation for Adia’s healing other than a miracle. That’s okay, we don’t need another explanation. A miracle is just fine by us.

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New Day Foster Home | Qingyundian Township - Daxing District | Beijing, P.R. China 102605 | 86-10-8028-2124

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