A Visit from Beijing United Hospital

A Visit from Beijing United Hospital

We are so thankful that a group of doctors from Beijing United Hospital came to give our children check ups! It was a huge blessing for them to travel to us rather than have us travel to them! They also held a training session for the nannies and are an amazing source of information!

Joshua, how big is your head?

Checking Joshua's oxygen levels

JT thought he would help

High fives for JT!

Kang is in good hands

Eli, look up here!

Sophie waits patiently

Sophie, does that tickle?

Abner plays with cups while the doctors listen to his heart

Here, you take one!

It looks like Abner made a friend

It's Kelly's turn

Kelly waits so patiently

Kevin wonders what's going on

Tim, can we check your oxygen levels?

And now let's look at your eyes

Everrit looks happy while the doctor listens to his heart

Freddy, how much do you weigh?

Umm, isn't someone supposed to help me?

Luke's turn

Andrew, we hope you don't have a fever

Hudson, stay still while we look in your eyes!

Hudson, do his eyes look ok?

What do you hear?

Owen, does it tickle?

Open wide!

James, you're all done!

We are thankful that the doctors took time to help train our nannies

Thank you, Beijing United!

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