Alea was born September 28, 2011 and abandoned three months later on December 28th at the local bank. The police were called, but were unable to locate Alea’s parents. She was taken to the local orphanage. There was a note with her, telling of her medical condition. Alea was born with a GI defect. The local surgeons and hospitals were unable to do Alea’s surgery. She would require a very expensive and risky operation, and even then Alea’s chances of survival were slim. The orphanage called us on February 20, 2012, asking if we would be willing to try and help this little girl. She arrived at New Day Foster Home on February 22. Alea’s skin is quite yellow. She is very sick, but alert and can hold her head up. She is curious and beautiful. We are going to do whatever we can to help write a story of hope for this little blessing. Read her amazing story.
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