Help Us | Supply Needs

Help Us

Supply Needs

It takes a lot of supplies to care for our children, and you can help keep our shelves stocked with our most-needed items:

Medical Supplies

Feeding Tubes:
14 FR-1.7cm
18 FR-1.7cm
16 FR-1.7cm
liquid vitamins

**When donating medicine, please check to make sure that we have at least one year before it expires.

List updated May 14, 2021

General Supplies

43 Water Bottles – Christmas Gift for Chinese staff: $18 for each

In the US, we have access to adapted equipment (such as Augmentative communication switches, adapted switch toys and used custom wheelchairs). The items bought in the US are cheaper than in China (For example: A custom wheelchair bought new for $7000 in China can be acquired used for a $200 donation in the USA), and in some cases adapted equipment (adapted switch toys for children with CP, visual impairment and lower cognitive functioning), is NOT available in ChIna.

We need 10 chairs for the children in the 2 projects for a total of $2000

5 wheel chairs covered.


List updated November 14, 2019

Preschool Supplies

We do not need crayolas. We have plenty right now, and we’ve even passed them out to many other orphanages and projects! 

List updated November 14, 2019

Therapy Supplies

List updated May 11, 2021

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Meet Felicity!

Felicity was born on November 11, 2010 and entered New Day Charity’s project on January 10, 2019. She is a clever girl with a cute smile. Felicity has a neurological disorder, which affects her...

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New Day Foster Home | Qingyundian Township - Daxing District | Beijing, P.R. China 102605 | 86-10-8028-2124

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