Fisher was born January 10, 2011 and abandoned nine days later. When Fisher arrived at the orphanage he was very cyanotic, his whole body was blue, and it was determined that he had a very severe heart disease. Because of financial difficulties and a shortage of medical resources, Fisher was unable to have his heart disease officially diagnosed until over a year later. Fisher is weak and very delayed developmentally. Because of his heart condition, his activity level has always been limited. He is only able to sit up with support, and this did not happen until he was over a year and a half old. Fisher’s heart condition has since been diagnosed. He has heart disease. The local hospitals were unable to provide any support for Fisher’s case, but the orphanage did not give up. We offered to help and arranged for tests to be run at the high-quality hospitals in Guangzhou, and were thrilled to hear that surgery would be possible. Fisher had his first heart surgery July 10, 2012 and it went well. We look forward to watching Fisher grow healthy and strong through lots of love, care, and an additional heart surgery. He is a special little boy whose life is a treasure worth fighting for.
DAILY NEEDS:   Fully Sponsored
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