Creative and full of imagination Zhou “Maomao” Hongmao, is 14 years old and diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. He enjoys chatting with his friends (with clear pronunciation) and telling stories, either by himself or using pictures. Maomao reads and writes in pinyin and knows about 50 Chinese characters. He can also read and write numbers below 100, do basic addition and subtraction, and create simple drawings. Though he is unable to stand by himself, Maomao can walk and run using his walker. He is able to go up and down stairs holding the banister. His limb strength is very limited, but he can do less physical activities such as writing, drawing, and building blocks. Maomao is accurately able to get what he wants. In most regards, MaoMao is able to care for himself. He is able to use a spoon to eat and an opened cup to drink. He is able to tie his shoes, wash his face and head, and use a toilet. Maomao needs assistance brushing his teeth and taking a shower. He is able to retain focus for an extended amount of time, solve easy problems in daily life and has a great memory. Maomao is able to understand the instructions of others and express his own feelings.
DAILY NEEDS:   Fully Sponsored
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