Born in January 2012, Hua Hua faces multiple challenges, including Reuter syndrome, epilepsy, and delays in growth and development. Mostly confined to her bed, Hua Hua is a gentle and reserved young girl who is eager to engage with others. She communicates using sounds like “hmm,” smiles warmly, and makes eye contact to convey her desires. When seeking entertainment, she will gaze up at you, expressing her wish to play with toys. Her joy is evident when she receives the toys, often accompanied by laughter.
During mealtimes, Hua Hua actively participates by opening her mouth to eat and then closing it to chew. When satisfied, she signals the end of her meal by closing her mouth and shaking her head. In unfamiliar surroundings, she is observant checking everything. With assistance from her caregivers, she is able to go outside and enjoy the sunlight.
It is essential for Hua Hua to receive proper nutrition, regular changes in position, and ongoing rehabilitation to aid in her recovery. The goal is for Hua Hua to gradually strengthen her body and expand her language skills to better articulate her needs. Continuous rehabilitation is vital for her progress, with the aspiration for her to eventually reach a stage where she can stand with assistance. The hope is to provide Hua Hua with
the necessary support to achieve these milestones and improve her quality of life.
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