Jacob was born on January 9, 2005. The next evening, cold and malnourished, he was found outside of the gate of one of the local orphanages. The police completed an unsuccessful search for his parents and he was soon under the care of the local orphanage. Soon after he arrived in the orphanage, he was diagnosed with having PDA, which is a heart disease. A little while before we were able to bring him home, he was hospitalized for pneumonia and heart infection. He was able to recover quickly and is now building up his strength. Jacob is a charming little boy. He has big eyes that quickly take in everything that is going on around him. He enjoys interacting with people and being the center of attention. He is currently able to crawl and is working on his standing abilities. Jacob is a beautiful young man. We look forward to watching him continue to develop and grow.
DAILY NEEDS:   Fully Sponsored
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