Lillian was born on March 14, 2007 and twelve days later was left near the local orphanage. The local orphanage diagnosed her with a serious congenital heart condition – Tetrology of Fallot and ASD. She came to the foster home on June 17, 2007, and when she arrived, little Lillian was quite cyanotic from lack of oxygen. Her heart surgery on July 20, 2007 was quite difficult – at one point her heart stopped and the surgeons had to do an emergency and unplanned second procedure after resuscitating her. We are so thankful she survived the procedure, for now we can’t imagine life without this precious little girl among us! Giving her a hope for a future has been a rewarding journey for us, and we are thankful we were entrusted with her care.
DAILY NEEDS:   Fully Sponsored
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