Melissa was born on June 21, 2010 with spina bifida. She was left in a field near her hometown on June 27, 2010. When no one could find her parents, they called the police who took her to a local hospital for treatment and then to the local orphanage. Her orphanage asked us if we could help with her case, so she arrived at NDFH on September 16, 2010. When she arrived, she simply needed time to grow and gain weight. There is a possibility that she will not need surgery for her spina bifida. Melissa is an adorable and petite little girl. Her eyes are big and bright, always searching for interesting things to watch. She eats and sleeps well, and loves to explore – venturing out on her own the minute she is placed onto her feet. She’s very interactive and alert. We’ve fallen in love with this sweet little girl, and we look forward to seeing what her future holds!
DAILY NEEDS:   Fully Sponsored
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