Born in January 2016, Xiao Peng is currently navigating his first-grade journey. Despite his young age, he has already faced significant challenges in his life. With divorced parents, his father, now remarried, works away from home, leaving Xiao Peng in the care of his grandparents. His grandmother toils in a nearby village to support the family, while his grandfather, dealing with the aftermath of a stroke and leg pain, stays home to look after Xiao Peng.
At the tender age of three, Xiao Peng suffered burns covering 25% of his back after a tragic accident involving boiling water. Recently, he underwent a surgical procedure for burn repair and requires ongoing treatment. The physical and emotional scars from this incident have left Xiao Peng withdrawn and hesitant to engage with others, choosing to conceal his injuries from view. Despite these difficulties, the family has not sought welfare benefits or applied for a disability certificate for Xiao Peng, fearing potential repercussions on his future employment prospects.
In the face of such adversity, Xiao Peng and his family could benefit from a renewed sense of hope and resilience. By acknowledging their struggles and addressing Xiao Peng’s emotional needs, they can begin to build a brighter future together.
DAILY NEEDS:   Fully Sponsored
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