In January 2015, the world welcomed Zi Wei, a bright and thoughtful young girl who is now navigating her way through the challenges of third grade. Despite her young age, Zi Wei has already faced the hardships of her parents’ divorce when she was just a year old. Her father, who later remarried, unfortunately, became distant, leaving Zi Wei to be primarily raised by her devoted grandmother.
Recently, her stepmother attempted to bring Zi Wei into their home, but the transition was tough for the young girl, leading her back to the comforting care of her grandmother. With both her grandparents being in their seventies, the family relies heavily on a modest welfare benefit of about 125 US dollars per month. Additionally, they tend to a small flock of sheep and a modest plot of land for sustenance.
Despite the challenges ahead, Zi Wei’s name reflects her potential – “Zi” meaning wise and “Wei” representing ambition. It is our hope that this determined young girl will continue to grow into a resilient and capable individual, overcoming obstacles with grace and strength.
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