A Fun Field trip for the mobility challenged children

A Fun Field trip for the mobility challenged children

Some of the kids in the Savannah Projects have difficulty moving freely and it’s more challenging for them to have activities like others and go outside for trips. We arranged a field trip just for them. The kids in the wheelchair, the CP kids, and the Down syndrome kid went to a pretty cool place with various activities, like the ball pit, the big foam blocks pit, and some other big toys and games. The big foam blocks suit the CP kids perfectly and they enjoyed laying in the pit and relaxing. Austyn was not used to being in a noisy place but he did well and especially loved the merry-go-round sitting quietly on it while spinning. Frank and Emerson tried their best to lift their arms to play the video game, and it’s amazing to see how they worked so hard to achieve the goal. We are grateful they had this opportunity and had a wonderful time on the field trip.

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