Grape Picking
Grape Picking
In September, when the days are a bit cooler and the grapes are in season, we take the children on a field trip to a vineyard. Our friends from Cummins often join us there and help the children enjoy this special experience. We come out of the vineyard with juicy clusters in the baskets and sticky smiles on the little faces!
Hmmm, where should we start picking?
The best part is eating them!
This cluster looks good
And they taste good, too!
Lilly Grace waits patiently for a grape to be peeled
What do you think? Is it yummy?
Eli gets to help use the scissors
Watch out for the seeds!
Look! I got one!
Let's put it in the basket with the others
Maggie finds a beautiful bunch
I want to try… this one!
Thanks for helping me!
Here's a fine cluster to add to Rose's basket
You can pick them one at a time…
… or by the cluster
Either way, Ryan thinks they're yummy!
Owen scouts the row for a likely spot
Here, you should try one!
Tim wants to help
Aren't you proud of me?
Austyn is really enjoying this outing
I'm ready whenever you are!
We make a great team, don't we?
JT shows us his latest prize
Freddy gets some help reaching a higher branch
Our basket is filling up
Can you reach, James?
Fresh-off-the-vine cucumbers are a treat, too
What did Abner find?
It doubles as a drum, apparently!
Can Nathan lift it by himself?
JT wants to help load the boxes of grapes onto the bus
One more before we leave
What a fun outing!
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