New Day Vietnam was born out of a desire to expand the mission of New Day Foster Home to the less developed, neighboring countries of Southeast Asia. We are basing our first efforts in this region in Ho Chi Minh City in South Vietnam, not far from the southern provinces of China.
Vietnam today is a vibrant, growing country that has made much progress since the conflicts of decades ago. However, there is still significant need in the rural provinces away from the major cities where the development has centered. Vietnam is also a very culturally rich and diverse country with 54 ethnic minorities, most who live in these rural areas.
We are excited about the possibilities before us, and we invite you to join with us as we continue New Day’s “journey of hope” across borders and into new frontiers. (See How to Help below.)
– Our primary program in Vietnam is a “medical mission” focused on providing medical care to children from poor families and state orphanages. These children remain in the care of their families and home orphanages, and New Day covers the hospital and other costs necessary to insure the child’s health and well-being. You can see the children in our medical program on this page.
– Our children and their caregivers often travel quite a distance from their rural homes and orphanages, and acceptable accommodations near the hospitals can be hard to find. We can now offer a clean, comfortable and home-like place to stay during the time of the children’s surgery and medical care.The Guest House environment gives our local staff more opportunity to build relationship with the families and better minister to their needs during their time away from home. The families also find encouragement and comfort from being together with other families whose children are facing similar medical challenges. We are now hoping to open our 2nd guest house in early 2024.
– Our student sponsorship program helps children from orphanages and needy families. Financial pressures often contribute to early school drop-out rates in the countryside, especially among girls. And, students from orphanages and poor families who aspire to go on to university face significant financial challenge.
– Giving to our General Fund is the most helpful because it allows us to use your donation “where needed most”. Our administrative costs are quite low in Vietnam, so most General Fund donations will be allocated to one of the three programs above.
For giving by credit card or Paypal, see links above. Checks can be mailed to:
New Day Charities
P.O. Box 311671
New Braunfels, TX 78131-1671
Note: Please write “New Day Vietnam” on your check. You can further designate by program (Medical, Guest House, or Students.) Donations without a program designation will be used “where needed most”.
159/50A Tran Văn Đang, P.11, Q.3, Ho Chi MInh City, Vietnam