Help Us | Formula Sponsorship

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Formula Sponsorship

What is more basic to human survival than good nutrition? Many of the children who reside in poor orphanages in less-developed parts of China lack just that. In certain parts of China, nutritious formula isn’t even available for purchase! We have found that due to a lack of resources, some orphanages feed their babies under one year old cow’s milk, rice powder, or in some cases, simply water. None of these options provide enough nutrition for an infant, so it often results in severe malnutrition and in some cases, death.

Our Formula Project has two distinct areas of help. Each one ensures every child in our partner orphanages has the healthy start they need. As a monthly sponsor in the project, each month you will help

  • Provide basic nutrition for children under 1 year old.
  • Provide the special formula, diet and medical care needed for children with PKU ensuring the levels of phenylalanine in their blood does not get too high where it can cause severe brain damage and other serious health problems.

How It Works

After completing the registration process through our website, you will begin to receive a monthly e-mail report. The report will include pictures, enrollment information, and progress reports for children participating in the Formula Project.

Donation Amounts and Frequency 

You can elect to make monthly, semi-annual, or annual donations with amounts ranging from $25 monthly to $300 annually. Donations can be made on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis. You can donate by check, bank transfer, or on-line through PayPal. Donations are tax-deductible in the USA.

Due to confidentiality agreements with the orphanages, we are unable to provide sponsors with monthly updates on the progress of a specific child. Instead we provide sponsors with a general overview each month.

PayPal and Check Donations

Once you have completed the form below, you will be given the option to make donations through PayPal or check. Most sponsors like the convenience of automatic donations, and it helps us by ensuring we receive a dependable source of support.

By selecting one of the options below, you will initiate an automatic donation and authorize New Day to charge your PayPal account on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis.

If at any time you wish to stop making donations to New Day, you can cancel the subscription in your PayPal account or contact our sponsorship manager for assistance.


E-mail the sponsorship coordinator at

Ready to Start?

To begin the process, simply fill our the form below. You’ll receive an e-mail from our sponsorship coordinator soon. And, you’ll begin getting monthly emails from our formula project coordinator with updates on the children in our program.

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1 day ago

New Day Charities
Amelia is a multi-talented child. Recently she put on a "concert" for the entire family. After dinner, we turned on the TV to play some Children's Songs. Amelia instantly knew which song was playing as soon as the music started. After searching through the toy box for a toy resembling a microphone, she sang along, grasping it in her hands and holding it close to her lips without missing a single word of the lyrics, facing away from the TV and towards the family, swaying and bouncing in time with the rhythm and lyrics on the screen. Occasionally, she glanced up at us, her audience, occasionally breaking into laughter and sometimes waving her arms about. At the end of each song, she'd say, "Applause!" Then, bow her head, clutching her tiny fists, blushing and smiling. When Mom and the kids applaud for her, she joined in, too. And as the next song began, she returned to her performance mode. ... See MoreSee Less
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Meet Felicity!

Felicity was born on November 11, 2010 and entered New Day Charity’s project on January 10, 2019. She is a clever girl with a cute smile. Felicity has a neurological disorder, which affects her...

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New Day Foster Home | Qingyundian Township - Daxing District | Beijing, P.R. China 102605 | 86-10-8028-2124

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