No institution is a substitute for a mom and dad of one’s own. While a forever family is every child’s dream, we believe that a strong and caring foster family is an ideal place for a child to grow up while they wait for adoption. Our past foster family program in Beijing gave children the opportunity to experience the love of a family. Well-trained and supervised by our staff, our foster families helped our children reach their full potentials. We’ve watched foster moms teach children to talk who we were told would never speak! Most of our dedicated foster parents were older, retired couples who have the time and patience to provide the one-on-one attention our children needed to thrive.
Knowing the importance of children growing up in families we are excited that we once again have the opportunity to facilitate a foster family project. The orphanage, where our Savannah project is, is one of the few orphanages given permission by the government to run a foster family project.
We are excited to see the difference this will make and watch the children blossom as they become a part of a loving foster family, where they will stay until they are adopted.
With this vision in mind we began a foster family network in Beijing in 2004 that ran until January 2019 when all the children (because of a national initiative) had to return to their orphanages.
During the course of our Beijing foster family project the families were trained and supervised by our staff, our foster families helped our children reach their full potential. We’ve watched foster moms teach children to talk who we were told would never speak! Most of our dedicated foster parents were older, retired couples who had the time and patience to provide the one-on-one attention our children needed.
They asked for help in 4 ways.
a. Child training
b. Early childhood development
c. Marriage classes
d. Financial classes
e. Health & hygiene classes
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