ND North | ND North

ND North

ND North

Due to current regulations we need to protect the children’s identity. That is why you are seeing the current changes.


In-Orphanage Care Centers

In-Orphanage Care Centers are projects located in a government orphanage facility, where through partnership with the orphanage, New Day North hires, trains and oversees nannies caring for a designated group of children with special needs. Our vision is that these close partnerships with government orphanages provide an ideal way to help the most children possible.

* no children listed at this time...

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Meet Felicity!

Felicity was born on November 11, 2010 and entered New Day Charity’s project on January 10, 2019. She is a clever girl with a cute smile. Felicity has a neurological disorder, which affects her...

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New Day Foster Home | Qingyundian Township - Daxing District | Beijing, P.R. China 102605
foster@newdaycreations.com | 86-10-8028-2124

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